Saturday 16 June 2018


WIND APP, RECYCLING and NEW YAMAHA CONNECTED – 15 and 16 June, Days 52 and 53
We did not manage to register in the WIND shop the other day to the My WIND app which we need to monitor wifi useage and to pay for the monthly service. The man said try tomorrow. At home on Friday we tried and received a message to enter the code number sent to us by sms. Ha! - Difficult when the sim card is in a portable modem. We tried putting the sim into a phone since the package allows calls and sms, but no sign of any sms from the company. It is all too complicated, and familiar – how many times in Malta have I been into a Vodafone shop before everything worked? The only solution was to drive again 30 minutes to the shop in Ragusa. Now we can see it working. The final challenge will be that it works for us in Greece, as it does for friends.
Our winter Marina di Ragusa live-aboard community have been great in many ways. One is that people put things they don’t need under the pagoda on the main pontoon. We all live in small spaces and need to clear clutter. I am happy that we found a number of items there which have been useful to us. Other useful items have been found at the rubbish and recycling bins, including packaging material. Today we cut some into shapes for our needs and Anita for fun made me a hat from an off-cut. That material has good insulation and my head was warm in the cool wind!

On Saturday finally the new outboard motor was delivered and connected. Electric start will be really easy to use. High thrust gearing and larger propeller will be more effective. The alternator will put some charge back into the batteries. The Yamaha dealer network is widespread should I need it. I will take the manual start Parsun to Malta to sell to a local person who is happy to pull to start and have a local dealer for servicing and spares.

We made final cleaning and provisioning and are ready to start our journey tomorrow morning. The wind is favourable in direction, starting light and increasing again in the afternoon so we plan to leave early and get away from this windy zone. As well as the cost of motor and making new cables we had to pay for another half month in the marina, further depleting finances, but we enjoyed the facilities and location for a little longer.

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