Saturday 19 January 2019


A few kilometres inland from Portimao is the eco-community  / workshop centre of Awakeland, home in 2019 to the Portugal Tantra festival and ISTA training. We hoped to meet Ashik, the Portugese founder, but as he had gone to South Africa for a holiday with family. We spent New Year’s Eve with manager Andrew, and German volunteers Lucas and Jannika. 

By now Anita’s mother was in worse health so she booked an earlier ticket to fly to Poland to care for her, to take over from her daughters who did a magnificent job looking after her and making her last days happy, while other family members stayed away, waiting to fight for her money and not taking a last opportunity to make peace with her. Oh how families can be with greed and ego of some members, and they are so toxic that they upset all other family members!! 
As it happened, she died on 30 December so Anita was heading back to the funeral and the work of clearing her affairs.
I return to Awakeland soon to plant trees and to meet Ashik before I fly later to join Anita.

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