Sunday 13 January 2019


I have written before about the problem of obtaining a vehicle body part to make the annual inspection due in December possible. I contacted the Laika dealer in Vigo many weeks ago and they have neither reported a response from Laika in Italy, nor answered my recent mails. I had written in December to the Laika dealer in Sevilla who did not see my mail under I sent a reminder. They  reported that Laika are on holiday until 8 January so there is no possibility to even have a part dispatched let alone arrive and be fixed for the inspection in December.
The non-functioning battery is less of a problem. We have candles and one solar powered LED light.
We had a rendezvous by invitation with friends to join them close to Aljezur after Christmas. We found the house with difficulty in a quiet community at Vale do Telha.
Our host Josef was relaxed and easy going and our friends from Poland, Katerina and Konrad arrived the day before. 

Katerina had stayed for a year in Portugal as an Erasmus student, with Josef.
Next day we all drove together in Josef’s VW van to a favourite location, Bordeira, 

and on to places we did not know, like Praia Amoreira 

ending in a spectacular sunset from high cliffs near to Vila do Bispo. 

On the way he was stopped at a Police check to show vehicle papers, warning triangle and that we were wearing seat belts. All was in order and we went on our way.
Josef called his mechanic and we could take the vehicle. They saw the problem and said they could make something over the wheel arch and fit the necessary light that day which they did at very reasonable cost

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