Tuesday 27 July 2021

Ormos Varko, Ormos Frixia and wasps

 Two days at Varko Bay turned to three then four. We needed the break. Nights were calm, afternoons windy, the norm in the Ionian region.

We observe more German yachts than other foreigners. We have known more boats hereabouts many charter boats sit idle as Boris and other "leaders" play with the plandemic thing making travel difficult. 

A few Greek tourists are at the long beach. An 85.5 m superyacht Sun Ray's anchored at the edge of the bay.

Insects have been a feature of this trip. Not many mosquitos nor flies  but ants are in the boat and we eradicate them day by day. The island of Meganisi is known as a wasp HQ. In two previous summers we have been bothered by them to the point of leaving an anchorage when they get too much for us. This summer they seem to be everywhere in the Inland Sea area. 

I am careful not to get attacked by avoiding them but have had four stings now. One was around my toes. I did not see and moved one toe against the next with painful result. For three or four days despite treatment my toe and part of foot was swollen.

Another was trapped between my leg and a cushion as I moved a heavy water bottle, again swelling and discomfort for days.

I felt nothing but one stung my elbow which also needed a few days to recover.

After swimming I was drying myself and threw one end of my towel over my shoulder not seeing one near my neck. That gave me the most longer term discomfort with debilitating effect.

Anita did not escape either with one on her leg.

They come seeing moisture. Putting fruit scraps on a plate can focus them away from the cockpit but they have been a real nuisance. They leave at dusk though, also they fly back to land when we leave their territory. 

We love the view of the mountains to the East of this bay, and changing light especially at evening. 

Finally we weighed anchor and gently sailed across the sea to Ormas Frixia on the East side of Levkas island, a favourite nature spot.

Largyalo was anchored here and Petra paid us a visit before they left the next day. 

Being close to Nidri small rental boats anchor for swimming before moving on. A large black power boat RIB came in and spoke with one of the boats. I sensed that the four men were looking to find  somewhere to moor a large ship.

Later the RIB returned, set a line around a rock and the 39.5m "superyacht" arrived.

She was flying a Banana Republic flag of registration, also carrying a small Ukrainian flag indicating the nationality. 


At 10.30 in the evening two female singers started up with mics and backing music. I think they finished about 4 am. The singing was good  but we did not sleep much. 

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