Sunday 7 July 2019


After relaxing days in the Gulf we returned to Preveza anchored off Cleopatra Marina to collect a small water pump service kit we had ordered.  There was busy action everywhere but Thomas warned us that today (Monday) is a public holiday and Orthodox Feast day, and that Levkas town in particular would be really busy. We moved back across the water to anchor near to the Margarona Boatyard and there was indeed a holiday. The office was closed and we could not have the keys to the car to go shopping for provisions. With three months afloat one day is not important so we returned next day to stock up with fresh fruit and vegetables, Greek yogurt and petrol for the outboard.

Finally on Wednesday we left Preveza and it’s facilities and passed out of the long channel to the open sea, noticing that the water was ebbing past the marker buoys and helping us on our way.
A little further south is the entrance to the Levkas Canal, and shallow wetlands which separate the island of Levkas (Levkada) from the mainland. We passed through the open floating bridge (opens once an hour) and motored to the south end where we anchored in shallow water for a lunch and swim stop before heading south under sail for a new (to us) anchorage, Vahti Vali for the night on the mainland side.

Next was a gentle sail to Nidri and Vlikho 

where the SUP, Stand up Paddle board made it's first outings with us. Anita was particularly successful after a few minutes, and what a lovely base for yoga too.

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