Thursday 21 February 2019


We had not planned to visit Poland again this year in the depths of winter but Anita’s mother had a small heart attack and was taken to hospital. Anita’s daughters took much time out from Krakow 

to take turns to be with Grandmother.  It was four weeks before she was allowed home before Christmas. The girls and partners spent quality time with Grandmother including 24 hour bed care at home, whilst Anita’s sister in Poland did not want to get her hands dirty. The girls called upon Anita, a former nurse for medical and caring guidance as necessary.
Just after Christmas mother developed a fever and high temperature which weakened her and she died just days before Anita’s flight to take over the 24 hour caring for the month of January.
Anita and daughters were there for the funeral with many relatives coming from near and far. The sister in Poland came but by now her grabbing money attitude had already created a rift in the family. Sadly this is common and we keep meeting people whose families were broker by greed of one or more family members.
It was lovely for Anita to meet again with cousins etc.

I joined her a few days later as I had been busy in Spain and Portugal. We returned to the flat of mother and worked hard to go through her things, giving some to Charity, others to the bin, and keeping a few small things like photos. We were traveling with backpacks, not a van.

More family stress as the other sister, now living as an illegal alien in USA was claiming that everything is hers and we should not even be in the flat. She and her friend solicitor were both aggressive and abusive. Going through mother’s things would otherwise be a meditation and journey of memories, but the two toxic sisters made life most unpleasant. I should add the mother knew both were after her money and had taken steps so that they would not get more but court challenges are in the pipeline. Neither spoke with mother when they knew she was close to the end. The one in USA had not spoken since an abusive phone call about 18 months before when mother took her off the account which she had been using when she stayed with mother until December 2016 for a few years.
The toxic sisters don’t speak with each other either.
Once we knew that our visit was not for 24 hour care we thought that we might be able to relax away for a few days, perhaps Polish mountains, Lviv (Ukraine) or Budapest (Hungary), but there was too much to do and that did not happen. Instead we took one night at a hotel with sauna, 

and at the end we went with daughters to the cinema, 

and met Peter, our friend for a couple of hours at Chimera restaurant in Krakow. 

We also called in at the hospital where Anita used to work and many friends were there to welcome her.

and the Pope's tram

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