Saturday 28 April 2018

East winds and we stay longer - Day 5

Friday 27 and Saturday 28 April (Day 5)
Friday was another day of strong Easterly winds, up to Beaufort Force 7. The winter berthing contract ends on 30 April and many are ready to leave the marina, but are watching the weather carefully as depressions / low pressure systems are moving across the Mediterranean bringing cloud, some rain, strong winds and building swell on the sea. Many have a goal of Greece and the wind and swell is against them.
We are not ready to leave and have paid for another month in the marina. We are grateful for advice from David who has wintered his catamaran here for five years to remain in the comfort of the marina for May rather than hide from storms in other places.
Saturday the wind is less and we have clouds. It is one of those days we say in England that it feels heavy, and we have lower energy. Time to relax more. We have made progress in reorganising the interior of the boat and making space so feel more comfortable. For now we are mostly inside and enjoying the shore power to give light.
There are strong sweet scents around from flowers which Anita loves as my summer allergies are triggered.

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