Monday 30 April 2018

Classical music and Full Moon in Scorpio Days 6 and 7

Sunday 29 April to Monday 30 April
After posting the blog for Friday we went to an informal performance of classical music by three musicians in the live aboard community at Marina di Ragusa Lounge Bar which was excellent. The violinist Catherine plays for the London Symphony orchestra.

Saturday brought the beautiful full moon in Scorpio. Full moon usually lifts our energies but the weather including passing depressions and strong winds is draining them. Perhaps it is just because we have been non-stop for a while and need more time to settle to this lovely new routine.

Monday has lighter winds so neighbours have taken advantage of this window of opportunity, Elmer to Malta, Andrew and Jane to Siracusa (then Ionian). Many others left too during the day. The next gale is due from the East on Wednesday.
Now we have the pontoon to ourselves !!

The imperfect interior décor is again causing frustrations so we started some improvement to satisfy the artistic eye. Another lovely calm evening with the moon rising through the masts of the fleet. Life is a miracle J

Saturday 28 April 2018

East winds and we stay longer - Day 5

Friday 27 and Saturday 28 April (Day 5)
Friday was another day of strong Easterly winds, up to Beaufort Force 7. The winter berthing contract ends on 30 April and many are ready to leave the marina, but are watching the weather carefully as depressions / low pressure systems are moving across the Mediterranean bringing cloud, some rain, strong winds and building swell on the sea. Many have a goal of Greece and the wind and swell is against them.
We are not ready to leave and have paid for another month in the marina. We are grateful for advice from David who has wintered his catamaran here for five years to remain in the comfort of the marina for May rather than hide from storms in other places.
Saturday the wind is less and we have clouds. It is one of those days we say in England that it feels heavy, and we have lower energy. Time to relax more. We have made progress in reorganising the interior of the boat and making space so feel more comfortable. For now we are mostly inside and enjoying the shore power to give light.
There are strong sweet scents around from flowers which Anita loves as my summer allergies are triggered.

Friday 27 April 2018

Sea crossing to Sicily

Tuesday 24 April to Thursday 26 April
On Tuesday we left Malta after a week of work and other necessary things. It was such a relief to board the ferry and know that the car is away. Visitors are only permitted to bring a car for six months, and it is an island so only one ferry comes from Sicily and there is no other way out.
The crossing was really smooth and we were driving on empty roads before 9 am along the coast for the 32 km to Marina di Ragusa. We had only been away for one week but it felt so good to be back and having no specific commitments for the first time in ages except to prepare the boat for our planned summer cruise to Greece.
On Wednesday I had planned to take the outboard motor to the boatyard, but heard on the Ragusa Live-aboard cruisers morning radio net that it was a public holiday – Liberation Day, so it was time to do other jobs and to start to relax and unwind, so a siesta was much enjoyed. Before sunset we joined Andrea and Jennifer, Maltese friends aboard their 50’ yacht for the evening.
Thursday started calm and with help from Elmer, who moors his boat in Qawra, the motor was put into the dinghy and I paddled it across to the yard.
Anita is frustrated by the disorder inside the boat. One step at a time we address it.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Last Sunday in Malta

We are in Malta for just one week to give massage to clients and to organise a few things before the summer sailing adventure.

Weather is calm and warm and we are tired so while Anita gave a two hour massage this morning I was out and about trying to get boarding passes for Tuesday printed. Everyone is at the coast so I had to park away and walk some distance, good of course.

Gozo lost it's iconic Azure Window a year ago to the sea, but don't worry, the coast has more windows in the rock!! New attraction is the Greek ship at Qawra which found it's new home in a winter storm.

Malta does not need to salt the roads in winter as freezing conditions do not occur so expect to see many old cars in good condition. Some seem today -

Anita relaxes with her arts and crafts and is practicing crochet as we don't have time or space to make large paintings on canvas right now.
Oh and finally we danced tango at a milonga last night, first time in a year !!

:) :) :)

Saturday 21 April 2018

It feels like time to blog again with exciting travels ahead.
Our boat waits in Sicily for us.
Watch this space.
David and Anita